Can you donate or give us a hand?



The Lodsworth Fete raises funds for our village and local charities each year, and relies on your generous donations to ensure the event is a success. Are you having a clear out or a spring clean? If so please pass any unwanted items to our team…….Bric-A-Brac Donations To Riverview Lodsworth

Saturday 4th May 10:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 11th May 10:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 18th May 10:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 25th May 10:00am – 12:00pm


We are unable to take donations on the day of the fete


Vintage Clothes

We are now taking deliveries at Fairview for any good condition ladies fashions & vintage clothing. We are also taking children’s clothing and tip top kid’s sports equipment. Boots, pads, saddles, rackets, bats etc

Tombola & Prizes

We also need your help to stock our tombola table once again so please don’t throw away any unwanted bottles – details for delivery next month.

Can you donate a prize for our raffle?? Or do you have a little something special we could add to our Silent Auction? If so we would love to hear from you.

Lastly – are you helping on the day of the fete?? If not why not we have a role for everyone – so please help
