Can you donate or give us a hand?



The Lodsworth Fete raises funds for our village and local charities each year, and relies on your generous donations to ensure the event is a success. Are you having a clear out or a spring clean? If so please pass any unwanted items to our team…….Bric-A-Brac Donations To Riverview Lodsworth

Saturday 4th May 10:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 11th May 10:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 18th May 10:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 25th May 10:00am – 12:00pm


We are unable to take donations on the day of the fete


Vintage Clothes

We are now taking deliveries at Fairview for any good condition ladies fashions & vintage clothing. We are also taking children’s clothing and tip top kid’s sports equipment. Boots, pads, saddles, rackets, bats etc

Tombola & Prizes

We also need your help to stock our tombola table once again so please don’t throw away any unwanted bottles – details for delivery next month.

Can you donate a prize for our raffle?? Or do you have a little something special we could add to our Silent Auction? If so we would love to hear from you.

Lastly – are you helping on the day of the fete?? If not why not we have a role for everyone – so please help



Save The Date

Lodsworth Fete - Save The Date

Lodsworth Fete Sunday May 26th 2019

Yes that’s right, after some lengthy discussions and many many requests from locals and suppliers alike we have decided to move the day of the Lodsworth Fete from the May Bank Holidays Monday back to its original day which was the Sunday. Many visitors and suppliers found it hard with clashes and other commitments locally on the Monday that we thought lets put this right and see if we can accommodate